Meet Ammara Ansari

A look into her background and goals

Ammara's Story

Ammara is currently the Development Director for a non-profit organization. She has a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the University of Michigan. She has spent her career working to eliminate disparities in education, to eliminate housing insecurity, and to provide a fairer economy for working class families. 

Ammara lives in Canton with her family where she has been doing community organizing for the last eight years. She is inspired by all of the positive changes in our community. Ammara is running for Trustee and is excited to work with our current elected leaders to keep moving Canton forward.

Ammara's Mission

I am running for Canton Township Trustee with the Moving Canton Forward Slate in 2024 because I believe that it’s time for a new kind of leadership. If elected, I would be the youngest out of the team, and I would be the first Muslim American woman to ever hold this office, with a fresh perspective. 

Moreover, community organizing is my life’s work - I’ve lived in Canton for the last 8 years and have worked for various issues and causes that align with Democratic values. Moreover, I currently work as Development Director at a non-profit, an organization that fights to empower working class Black and Brown communities in Detroit and beyond to build a “union for the hood”. The right to fair jobs and housing are central to the organization’s mission. 

All this to say that while I have been doing community organizing and fundraising work behind the scenes for many years now, I believe I have an opportunity to act as a progressive voice for my community.

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